UPCOMING: Webinar #7 (6 December 2023): Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Together with VCS, AMONCOVET, ARBROVET, the Japanese Veterinary Cancer Society, ESVONC is happy to participate and organize the World Oncology Connections initiative. A series of webinars around a certain topic, brought to you by researchers and clinicians, meant to give a new and maybe different angle on the topic. 

UPCOMING: Webinar #7 (6 December 2023, 13h00 GMT): Squamous Cell Carcinoma (click on the picture to see the speakers list).

The webinars are free for ESVONC members.

Are you an ESVONC member? You should have received an email to register for this webinar (from Monday 13/11/23). If not, contact our secretariat via the contact page.

See a list of all the webinar topics on our Courses page: https://www.esvonc.com/Esvonc/courses-1. If you're an ESVONC member: just login and start watching.